Switzerland Tourism (ST) launched ‘Taste my Swiss City’: culinary tours in eleven cities, easily bookable online. The new food tours have been put together by locals especially for guests. This product development corresponds to a core need of the visitors to discover culinary art through the eyes of the locals.

Daniela from Ascona has a favorite Gelateria named ‘La Preferita’ which is located in a small side street. There are 40 varieties of ice cream to choose from – all homemade. For many years, the small shop has been a go to for locals. Thanks to ‘Taste my Swiss City’, guest can discover the insider tip now too.

Culinary as a tourism trend.
Discovering and tasting regional cuisine and specialties is the third most desired activity of tourists in Switzerland (according to TMS 2017 *) with 29.7% of all entries. This result confirms the global trend which states that culinary tourism and local immersion are becoming increasingly important. That’s why Switzerland Tourism, together with eleven cities, launched ‘Taste My Swiss City’. These culinary city tours have been put together by locals and insiders.

Authentic experiences – with one click.
There is the in-house bistro at the ‘Skills Park’ in Winterthur. Insider Katja likes the fact that she can watch the skateboarders and BMX riders doing their tricks while enjoying her coffee. In Neuchâtel, the Boulangerie Mäder is one stop on the food tour. According to local Guillaume, the quality of their freshly baked bread is hard to beat. Ludmilla from Lugano says something similar. She loves the risotto in the cozy Ristorante Soave 10. The dishes there are always freshly prepared and seasonal. People like Ludmilla, Guillaume, Katja and Daniela have put together up to seven restaurants, bars, bistros or cafés in their cities for a culinary city tour. These experiences are absolutely authentic and allow discoveries and insights into the life of the locals. For the first time such tours will be presented nationwide for all of Switzerland on an online platform.

How it works:
Tickets can be booked online as of 8 May 2018 via MySwitzerland.com/tastemyswisscity. Guests receive a ticket and description how to find the stops of the tour. On presentation of a ticket the guest is served a tasting snack or a drink at each stop. In the end, the guest will have consumed food and drinks roughly the size of a tasting menu while discovering unusual places moving through the city.

Duration: The tour takes about two to three hours on foot and is done individually (it’s not a guided tour).

Price: between 60 and 130 francs, depending on the tour.

Participating cities: Basel, Bellinzona, Bern, Locarno/Ascona Lugano, Lucerne, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Lausanne Neuchâtel

* Tourism Monitor Switzerland 2017: the largest national tourism survey (21,535 participants from
133 countries), conducted by Switzerland Tourism for the Swiss tourism industry.