Switzerland Tourism (ST) has unveiled an e-learning tool to help travel agents worldwide discover the best way to sell Switzerland to its guests. The new tool is being rolled out in partnership with the Università della Svizzera italiana Lugano (USI). This program sets a new benchmark and stands out from the other 70 or so e-learning destination promotion tools worldwide.

The tool – called the ‘Switzerland Travel Academy’ – will replace the current, outdated e-learning platform. What sets the new program apart is its didactic, modular, customizable and interactive design. The content comprises shorter text segments and relies more on videos and pictures, while offering a fun, user-friendly experience. It is designed as a fully responsive solution for mobile, desktop and tablet users. The new online platform will be available in ten countries, including the US, Canada, Brazil, the UK, Spain and Germany, and has been translated into German, Spanish, Portuguese and English. Other languages may be added as interest in the platform grows in other markets.

Partnership with the University of Lugano

The new program is a result of two years’ close collaboration with the USI. The eLearning Lab and webatelier.net departments of the USI have been studying the needs and practices of travel agencies for seven years. ST’s decision to team up with the USI was based on its specialization in digital platforms and expertise. Now, the two partners are jointly launching a state-of-the-art e-learning tool.

Become a certified expert on Switzerland

The tool was developed based on an intelligent, open-source concept. In addition to the core module, which users have to complete before obtaining a certificate, new thematic modules will be added on an ongoing basis. These modules allow users to specialize in the family or MICE segments, for example. The certificate must be renewed every year – similar to a license. And to make sure users don’t forget, the program sends out reminders each year before the certification expires.

Travel agents and tour operators can access the ‘Switzerland Travel Academy’ from April 3, 2017 at www.MySwitzerland.com/academy.

Università della Svizzera italiana USI

In recent years, the USI has become a renowned center of excellence for technology and economics within the tourism sector. In addition to research activities at webatalier.net of the faculty of communication sciences (www.webatelier.net), the International Tourism Master’s program has also included two years of studies in English for a number of years now. The course is headed by Professor Rico Maggi and delves into the wide-ranging economic aspects of the tourism industry: www.mt.usi.ch. Professor Lorenzo Cantoni also heads the UNESCO Chair in ICT in this area, with the aim of developing and promoting sustainable tourism in the World Heritage Sites (http://www.unescochair.usi.ch/), and is the chairman of the IFITT – the International Federation for Information Technologies and Travel & Tourism: www.ifitt.org

Questions: Please contact Pascal Prinz, Trade Manager East Coast & Agent Relations North America, at pascal.prinz@switzerland.com