The latest numbers of Switzerland’s arrivals and overnights statistics show: Switzerland remains popular with Canadian travellers. Arrivals and overnights increased again in 2014 compared to 2013, albeit slightly, concluding in another record year. Over the last ten years alone, the number of Canadians visiting Switzerland has been growing by a total of 30%.

Recently released tourism data from the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics for the hotel industry show an increase of 0.6% in Canadian arrivals in Switzerland, for a total of 103,868. According to final 2014 figures, the number of overnight stays was 230,848, which is a plus of 0.3% compared to 2013 (only overnights in Swiss hotels are counted; vacation homes, other kinds of accommodation and visits with friends and family are not included).

“Our commitment to the Canadian market remains strong”, says Evelyn Lafone, Market Director Canada of Switzerland Tourism, pointing to “Montréal en Lumière 2015” as the latest example. Together with Swiss International Air Lines and the Swiss Consulate, Switzerland Tourism acted as the host country. “We had a strong presence during the festival – through our “Maison de la Suisse” and various exhibitions, as well as by having 20 Swiss chefs, and numerous Swiss artists from different Swiss destinations.”

The top five destinations for the Canadians were Zurich with 62,795 overnights, Geneva 44,962, the Valais Region 20,652, as well as Lucerne and Lake Lucerne Region 20,019. With 16% more overnights in 2014, the Canton Graubünden recorded the biggest growth in Canadian visits.

Questions: Please contact Evelyn Lafone, Market Director Canada