In the «Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013», published today by the World Economic Forum, Switzerland again ranks first, performing well on almost all aspects included in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI).

According to the TTCI, Switzerland’s infrastructure, especially ground transport (3rd after Hong Kong and Singapore), is among the best in the world. It also boasts top marks for its hotels and other tourism-specific facilities, with excellent staff thanks to the availability of qualified labor to work in the industry (ranked 1st).

Switzerland also attracts tourists because of its rich and well-managed natural resources. A large percentage of Swiss land is protected, environmental regulation is among the most stringent, and the Travel & Tourism industry is considered to be developed in a sustainable way. These good environmental conditions, combined with the high safety and security of the country (2nd after Finland), contribute to its solid T&T competitiveness.

«We are very pleased to see that the report reflects and rewards what Switzerland has been working on hard for a long time: environmental sustainability, public transportation infrastructure as well as the quality of our tourism facilities and their staff», says Alex Herrmann, Director Americas Switzerland Tourism. «These are qualities that every traveler to Switzerland can experience first hand.»

For more, check the WEF press release
or the full Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013