Change of image database from Switzerland Tourism

Dear users of myPUBLISH

The old image database for international travel media and the tourism industry “myPUBLISH” expired on March 31, 2022.

And here is the exciting NEWS! In March 2022, our NEW and modern multimedia database “Switzerland Asset Management SAM” has gone live. In addition to photos, you will now also find selected film material on Switzerland.

Your user data has been migrated and is active.

Please log in at with your previous e-mail address and the initial password:

Username: [your email address]

Initial password: _Password123_

After logging in, you will be asked to accept the usage rights as well as the DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation) and to provide a new password.

After that, the curated content on Destination Switzerland will be available to you. There you will also find online help as well as a quick guide here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our local Switzerland Tourism representatives in your region.

Dive in and let yourself be inspired once again by beautiful pictures and films of Switzerland!